September18 , 2024

    Industry’s Sagar Radia Talks Industry 3×04



    Industry’s Sagar Radia sat down with GQ to talk about the most recent episode of the show.

    -Back at the end of season one he’d mentioned that maybe Rishi could have an addiction issue. “Then, come season three, they handed me this episode, and I couldn’t quite believe it.”

    -Rewatched Uncut Gems the week before shooting the episode.

    Feels like he’s learning about Rishi along with the audience: “[Mickey and Konrad] sat me down around the time I’d read the episode, and they said, ‘Listen, Sagar, we don’t come from a South Asian background. If you feel there’s anything in there that isn’t quite landing—especially the racial tensions with his wife’s family and things like that—let us know, and we can try and figure something out.’ All credit to them. They’re incredibly intelligent guys and really smart writers, and I think they nailed it.”

    Pushes back at the reporter saying the world of finance is white male dominated by pointing out that there’s a sizable British South Asian diaspora in that world. “Rishi represents a type of character on film and TV you just don’t see. He is an alpha. He is in a position of strength. He is aspirational. For a long time, in TV and film, we’re the terrorists. We’re the taxi drivers. Those types of characters have now evolved into a show like this one. On arguably the biggest network on television! Someone can now watch it and go, ‘Holy crap. I want to be like Rishi.’ Not the Rishi of episode four! But there’s an aspiration to Rishi you don’t get to see on TV anymore […] So, yeah, man, it’s a great thing to think about, that someone who looks like me gets to play a character like this, because for as long as I’ve been in this industry, that’s not been in front of me.”

    -“Riz Ahmed is actually a fan; I spoke to him about a month ago, and he loves the show. […] I worked with him about 15 years ago, right at the start of both of our careers. […] He touched base, telling me he loved the show. And you know, that’s always flattering because, again, someone from the community doing it at a high level is paying attention. That makes all the difference sometimes.”

    What was the first thing Rishi bet on?: “It’s almost like his ego can’t handle him losing at work, so he needs to get that hit outside of work. Then you realize that he’s getting into a hole there. It’s a tennis match between the two.”

    Misses working with Myha’la: “She’s a force of nature—both Harper and Myha’la, actually. If we get to do the show again and we’re all back, then I’d love to explore that [relationship] again. I’ve enjoyed working with her, and I hope to do it again soon.”

    What the show is saying about masculinity: “I think that’s the real question: What is enough? If you’re someone who’s sweeping the streets and making minimum wage, or you’re the top of investment banking making real bank, they’re still both struggling in their own way. So the real question is: Why are they both struggling? What’s the expectation that people are creating on themselves? What’s the expectation that society is putting on people to be like, ”There’s no such thing as enough”?”

    So happy to hear that Industry’s audience is growing! Our power tbh 😉

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