March13 , 2025

    Lilly Jay Reacts to Her Husband’s Girlfriend’s Song



    – A friend on a bike says that Ariana Grande’s song That Boy is Mine is a slap in the face to Lilly Jay and all women.

    – Reiterates that the ponytail pop star is not a girl’s girl.

    – Lilly doesn’t like that the album is blatantly rubbing Ethan’s affair in her face, yet Ariana says not to interpret it as such.

    – “Ariana left nothing up to interpretation,” the insider claimed. “She spelled it out and those close to Lilly believe she did this because she is upset that Ethan’s divorce is still dragging out. She wants him all to herself and feels that—because he is still legally married—she cannot truly have him. Everyone close to Lilly, and who knows Ethan, is just waiting for karma to slap him and Ariana in the face. It will come.”

    – Ariana and Ethan haven’t officially confirmed their relationship, according to Cosmo.


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