March12 , 2025

    Aubrey O’Day Says Donald Trump Jr. Is a “QAnon Freak,” but Pauly D Is Way Worse



    In the immortal words of REM, everybody hurts. That includes Aubrey O’Day, who has a lot of feelings about people comparing her ex-boyfriend Pauly D to Donald Trump Jr., her alleged former flame. 

    In an interview on the podcast Sofia With an F, released Thursday, the former Danity Kane singer and Celebrity Apprentice cast member went hard on defending—and dunking on—the former president’s son, with whom she claims she had an affair while he was married to Vanessa Trump. Even though she referred to Don Jr. as having become “a crazy QAnon freak that’s gotta sell what he’s selling,” she still thinks he’s miles classier than a certain Jersey Shore cast member. (Vanity Fair has reached out to reps for Don Jr. for comment.)

    “The fact that I do interviews and they say, ‘Oh, we should’ve known you were with Don because you were with Pauly,’ and they say these names in the same sentence…I’m like, Whoa!

    “That, to me, hurts the most because a guy that had a tanning bed in his home in Rhode Island, not even in Jersey, that was chosen to be part of a show that was made to laugh at them, is so beyond different than Donald Trump Jr.,” she said. “They’re not even in the same league.”

    She later referred to her relationship with Pauly D (real name Paul DelVecchio Jr.) as “drama. Hellfire. Dumpster fire.” (Vanity Fair has reached out to reps for Pauly D for comment.)

    O’Day spilled tea on covering up the alleged affair personally and in the media, saying that she cooperated with Donald Trump’s former aide Michael Cohen to keep it out of the press.

    “When the Trump, Don Jr. thing got leaked in the media, I mean, I spent likely a decade or something, maybe a little less than that, covering it up with Michael Cohen,” she said of the former president’s ex-fixer, who went to prison for tax evasion and campaign finance violations, among other charges. She referred to the elder Trump as “Dad”—not his dad, but just “Dad,” saying that “it came out when Dad was president.”

    “I think once Michael Cohen wasn’t there and once people saw what happened to somebody that was a fixer that was doing things for them, that you can actually go to prison and serve a sentence for it, I think a lot of people probably stopped choke holding the truth.”

    Before, however, the story was suppressed through other means, she claimed. “You can’t go to Us Weekly and kill a story,” she explained. “They just do ad buys, so you see Kim K coming out of the Trump Hotel instead of Aubrey and Don Jr. in Africa, making out on a security camera. So they buy and sell their way down.”

    The alleged affair reportedly took place from the end of 2011 to March 2012, and O’Day maintains that she was in love with Don Jr.

    “I just know it was, ‘I’m leaving my wife and kids, and this is gonna be what I want, and I love you and you’re my wife and everybody knows what it is,’” she said of the message she got from Don Jr., who was then married with three children, at the time. “My response was always, ‘I never cheated on anyone.’”

    She admitted, however, that after she took “enough psychedelics” while she was in Bali, she realized she “played a role too.”

    Now, though, O’Day presents a bizarre blend of defending her alleged former companion and absolutely shredding him, saying that “everybody that I run with doesn’t fuck with him or the family,” shortly after insisting that “the man that I loved was not a mockery, was not a joke, was not the guy that everyone thinks is coked out of his mind, making crazy videos all the time. He was an intellect; he was well pedigreed; he was incredibly insightful and wise.”

    Whether Pauly D and Don Jr. are comparable or not, O’Day blames her connection to them for putting her in Raya purgatory. She said she’s been in a “hold pile” forever, and doesn’t expect to be granted a coveted membership on the invite-only dating app due to bad blood. The app’s decision-makers, she said, are “likely friends with a Trump or a Pauly D human being.”

    To sum it up in O’Day’s own words: “yikes.”

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