March12 , 2025

    Jen Boecher’s Friend Who Catfished Rishi Singh Has “Disgusting” News About Him



    90 Day Fiance: The Other Way fans might not be the most supportive of her love journey, but most like Jen Boecher herself.

    They make memes (Jen loves the memes, by the way), they cheer her on. But supporting her doesn’t mean that they think that things will go well with certified hottie Rishi Singh.

    In fact, it’s not just Jen’s fans. It’s also Jen’s friends. Her real-life friends do not trust Rishi’s intentions, or his fidelity.

    Remember when one of them offered to catfish him? It looks like he took the bait, and Jen feels disgusted.

    Jen Boecher’s friends and family all had concerns about her two-year engagement even before she flew out to Rishi Singh.

    It turned out that she didn’t have the visa that she had thought that she did. It is only good for 30 days, not four months. So she had to return home and apply for a new visa.

    On Sunday, April 2, we will see Season 4, Episode 9. Jen receives some difficult news from her friend, Randi.

    “Randi catfished Rishi before I went back to India the last time,” Jen explains in the new episode, according to E! News’ report.

    “I brushed off what Randi was saying about Rishi being unfaithful,” she admits.

    “And,” Jen confesses, “the fact that he’d sent her these instant messages because I thought that it was some miscommunication of sorts.”

    “But also, Rishi had told me that he had been faithful during our two years apart,” Jen notes.

    Initially, her friend Randi had only told her that Rishi responded to her more than an engaged man should to a woman in his DMs. But Jen had brushed it off.

    She brushed it off so firmly that Randi, fearing that Jen was not going to listen to anything that she said, did not share the full extent of what he had sent.

    “Jen, he sent me a photo of him with his shirt off,” Randi tells Jen in the upcoming episode.

    “I knew that you were gonna do what you wanna do, she explains, “so I didn’t tell you.”

    Randi continues: “I try to give you advice and you don’t take it. I’m telling you now, hoping that’ll maybe give you some clarity.”

    This is some very unwelcome news for Jen, who is of course gearing up for her return trip to India.

    “I’ve told him, ‘Just be honest with me,’” Jen says in frustration to the confessional camera.

    “So, when I see the shirtless photo that Rishi sent Randi,” she remarks. “Are you freaking kidding me, dude?”

    Jen then admits: “I don’t know why he would send that. I genuinely am just disgusted. I’m disgusted.”

    One can certainly understand why Jen is feeling that way at the news. Especially after Rishi’s pledges of fidelity.

    While Rishi’s photo itself is the furthest thing from disgusting, his behavior makes him seem untrustworthy.

    Remember, Jen begged Rishi to, above all else, be honest with her. She would rather know about something — even if he slept with someone else — than remain in the dark.

    Sometimes, feeling hurt is better than feeling hurt and foolish. Right now, Jen is likely feeling both.

    Sending one of his modeling pics into someone’s DMs isn’t as bad as boning them or sending more private photos, but it’s really not the behavior of a monogamous engaged man, is it?

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