March13 , 2025

    Joe Giudice Calls Out Teresa Giudice’s VICIOUS Shade of Melissa Gorga



    We have heard a great deal about the conflicts between Teresa Giudice and Melissa Gorga.

    The sisters-in-law have clashed on camera and off camera. It happened years ago. And it happened just before Teresa’s wedding.

    Teresa recently threw some brutal shade in Melissa’s direction, ostensibly while praising her other sister-in-law.

    Even Tre’s ex-husband, Joe Giudice, feels shocked over how she is treating some members of her family.

    Juicy Joe Giudice Photo
    We’re up close and likely too personal here with former reality star Joe Giudice.

    It started when Teresa Giudice posted a birthday shout-out to her sister-in-law, Veronica.

    Dr. Veronica Ruelas is Luis Ruelas’ sisters. Since Teresa married Luis (against everyone’s advice) last year, the women are in-laws.

    Teresa gushed over her, calling her “the sister I’ve always dreamed of.” That line, in particular, struck many as shady.

    Teresa Giudice decided to celebrate “the sister I’ve always dreamed of” on her birthday. Ex-husband Joe Gorga saw and left a comment. We of course apologize for the Light Mode screenshot, but given that he has revised his comment to a simple “beautiful,” it’s the best that we can offer. (Image Credit: Instagram)

    Even Teresa’s ex-husband picked up on it.

    “I thought you loved Melissa,” he wrote on Instagram, in the above screenshot that commentsbybravo captured.

    He has since replaced this with a simple comment of “beautiful.” Bland and meaningless.

    Joe Giudice and Milania Giudice by the Sea
    Joe Giudice and Milania Giudice stand side-by-side in Italy near the Mediterranean Sea. It is truly a beautiful country.

    We can’t prove it, but one has to wonder if Milania played some sort of role in Joe’s change-of-comment.

    Because she left multiple affectionate comments under the post.

    You know what a great way to reduce the odds of a bunch of people seeing your dad’s comment before he deletes it is? Leave multiple comments of your own in the hopes of burying it while you text him. Just a thought.

    Teresa Giudice posed beside her bridal shower treats, including this towering cake by Platinum House of Sweets.

    Remember, Teresa’s conflict with Melissa is about more than just minor family squabbles. It’s also not just on-screen drama.

    Sure, plenty of Housewives clash with each other viciously on screen. But there are limits to normal reality TV feuds.

    Meanwhile, Melissa and Joe Gorga’s clashes with Teresa were so intense that they ended up not attending her wedding.

    Teresa Giudice and Her Fiance
    Teresa Giudice and her fiance, Luis Ruelas, are featured in this intense scene from a 2022 episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

    That is a big deal. You can miss someone’s birthday party. They won’t have that birthday party again, but they’ll almost certainly have more in future years.

    Weddings are not the same. Even if the marriage doesn’t last, a future wedding is not guaranteed.

    And even if someone ends up regretting the day that they met a now former spouse, refusing to attend the wedding feels personal.

    In time, perhaps Joe and Melissa can mend fences with Teresa. It might help if Teresa comes to regret her marriage to Luis. Or maybe it won’t. You never know with Teresa.

    It’s a shame that the conflicts in this family are so intense. But that seems to come naturally when we’re talking about multiple reality cast members.

    Either way … maybe Joe Giudice doesn’t need to comment quite so publicly.

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