Last week, Jen Shah rejected plans for an Andy Cohen interview even though she also did not attend the Reunion.
The Bravo host had intended to sit down with her and discuss things, one-on-one, ahead of her reporting to prison.
Jen vowed that people would hear her story, albeit from a certain point of view: hers. She’s gearing up to do just that.
The woman who spent ages claiming to be innocent before pivoting to a guilty plea says that only she can tell fans the truth.

As you may have noticed from our coverage, Jen Shah did not attend the The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 3 Reunion.
She also called off the 1-on-1 interview with Andy Cohen. Her scathing Instagram note explained why.
Simply put, Bravo didn’t agree to portray her side and only her side of the story. They can, and would, show any flashback footage that they wanted. So Jen refused.

How, just weeks away from the beginning of her six-and-a-half year prison sentence, Jen intends to tell her story.
She has announced her upcoming website,
The site’s goal is ostensibly to get people to hear her story. According to the page, it’s the “real” story.

Of course, in order to hear her side of the story, you must subscribe. Via email.
While one wonders if she will offer paid content or come out with a book eventually to monetize her situation, an email list doesn’t sound so bad.
… Or does it?

This summer, Jen finally quit her loud, angry claims of innocence. Without any real warning to her friends who supported her, she entered a guilty plea.
Her crimes? She pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud.
This was over a nine-year telemarketing scheme. It sold fake services — particularly to the elderly and to other vulnerable victims.

This, of course, brings us to Jen Shah’s proposed mailing list. Because you’d be giving her, at the bare minimum, your email address.
Sure, plenty of people have burner email addresses to sign up for contests and dubious mailing lists like Jen’s.
But not everyone does. And … how much information do you actually want someone with Jen’s criminal history to have about you? It’s food for thought.

Obviously, we are not saying that Jen Shah is planning to misuse the email or any other personal information of anyone who signs up.
We do not know her intentions, and would never make libelous claims that purport to know someone’s inner thoughts.
The truth, of course, is that we cannot conceivably know what Jen plans for the email list. And we can acknowledge that her plans may change unexpectedly.

On the one hand, Jen’s future looks miserable. She will spend more than half a decade behind bars.
Knowing the misery and injustice of our carceral system, it is perfectly natural for people to feel that her looming fate tugs at our heartstrings.
At the same time … her crimes impacted real, vulnerable people for years. That is a horror. This is not a mild, or victimless, crime.